Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Social Media

Social Networks
Social networking is a way of communicating and making friends online.  Using networking sites, you are easily able to create simple webpages for your company. Share your successes, awards, and even just your weekly on goings with the general public. This will show them your company is one you can trust.  Using social networking to create a positive company image doesn't mean you should bombard people with your ads and ongoing sales. While it does give you the means to do so, people want to read content that is of value to them. For example, if you have a graphic design business, you could have a section of tutorials on your business website. You can link to this section of your website on any networking pages you have and also in the signatures in any forums you frequent. This gives them something of value and a reason to visit your page. When they need your services, they will remember this great site you have that helps people as well.

There are many ways you can use social networking, but you shouldn't forget about PR. The way the consumer views your company can make a huge difference in your bottom line. In the end, the bottom line is what matters!

Links posted in Facebook and Twitter can deliver an audience who not only has an interest but was driven their by a more trustworthy source - a friend or someone they know online.   Brands must continue to adopt the social strategy (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr & social network #2) and differentiate how they use each.

Mobile Website
Mobile access of the Web will exceed smartphone access of Internet content for some time especially if your field of view is global.

Shopping Website
Deal sites like the ever popular Groupon, Facebook Open graph functionality and the pending advances in search that will return info on what your friends "liked" in Facebook.  Experimenting with the many ways that your products or services can be sold via social networks or that the buying experience can be made more social. 

So, as a PR  practitioner, are you ready to adapt these new trend of social media?

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